- 第十六届中国智能交通年会科技论文集
- 第十六届中国智能交通年会学术委员会
- 678字
- 2025-02-23 05:00:27
1.上海电科智能系统股份有限公司,上海 200063
2.河南警察学院,郑州 450046
Timing Optimization of Intersection Traffic Signal Based on an Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm
Li Yuzhen1,Wang Shihao2
1.Shanghai SEARI Intelligent System Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200063
2.Henan Police College,Zhengzhou 450046
Abstract: The contradiction between the rapid growth of the number of motor vehicles and the limited road resources has become increasingly prominent. Intersection is an important part of the road, while the traffic signal timing often restricts the traffic efficiency of the road. At present, the commonly used fixed signal timing scheme cannot be adjusted dynamically according to the real-time traffic data stream, thus reducing the operation efficiency of the road. To solve this problem, an objective function based on total delay time is constructed, and an improved differential evolution algorithm (IDE) is proposed to deal with it. The IDE introduces two mutation strategies in the individual mutation stage, and thus realizes the transformation from global exploration ability to local exploitation ability. At the same time, the sine function is used to automatically adjust the control parameters required by each generation. Eight test functions are utilized to evaluate the performance of the proposed IDE, and the experimental results verify that IDE can dramatically enhance the con vergence accuracy and stability. Furthermore, the IDE is applied to the intersection signal timing, and the simulation results indicate that it is an effective method, and is able to reduce the vehicles delay time and improve the traffic efficiency.
Key words:intersection signal timing;delay time;differential evolution;mutation strategy