第3章 工程规划 Planning

3.1 水文泥沙 Hydrology and sediment

(1)河流及流域特征 Characteristics of rivers and basins

河流 river

常年河 perennial river

间歇河 intermittent river

悬河 elevated river

干流 main stream

支流 tributary

河段 reach

上游 upper reaches

中游 middle reaches

下游 lower reaches

河源 headwaters,river source

河口 estuary,river mouth

河长 river length

深泓线 thalweg

中泓线 thread of channel(stream)

落差 drop

河道比降,坡降 river gradient(slope)

河槽 river channel,stream channel

废河道 abandoned channel

冲积河槽 alluvial channel

淤塞河道 blocked channel

季节性水道 seasonal watercourse

平衡河槽[冲淤] regime channel

不平衡河槽[冲淤] non-regime channel

游移河槽 shifting channel

游荡河槽 interlaced channel

蜿蜒河道 meandering channel,twisting channel

平缓河道 mild channel

河床 riverbed

不稳定河床(动床) mobile channel

河谷平原 valley flat

河漫滩 alluvial flat,flood plain

河流阶地 river terrace

水系(河网) hydrographic net,river system

河网密度 drainage density

流域 river basin,watershed

流域分水线 river basin divide

流域面积(集水面积) catchment area,drainage area

流域植被率 percentage of vegetations in drainage area

流域湖泊率 percentage of lakes in drainage area

流域沼泽率 percentage of swamps in drainage area

相邻流域 adjacent drainage area

(2)气象 Meteorology

气象站 meteorological station

气温 air temperature

环境温度 ambient temperature

摄氏温度 Celsius temperature

华氏温度 Fahrenheit temperature

月平均气温 mean monthly temperature

年平均气温 mean annual temperature

极端最高温度 extreme maximum temperature

极端最低温度 extreme minimum temperature

空气湿度 air humidity

绝对湿度 absolute humidity

相对湿度 relative humidity

降水 precipitation,rainfall

有效降雨量 effective rainfall

可能最大降水 probable maximum precipitation(PMP)

实测最大降水量 maximum observed precipitation

雨强 rainfall intensity

降雨历时 duration of rainfall

雨量站 precipitation station

雨量计 rainagauge

蒸发 evaporation

水面蒸发 evaporation from water surface

陆面蒸发 evaporation from land surface

蒸腾 evapotranspiration

风速 wind speed

风力 wind force

风向 wind direction

蒲福风力 Beaufort force

盛行风 prevailing wind

日照时间 sunshine duration

年日照时数 annual solar radiation hours

日照率 percentage of possible sunshine

寒潮 cold wave

最大冻土深度 maximum frozen soil depth

气候区 climatic zone

严寒地区 severe cold region,chilly cold region

寒冷地区 cold region

温和地区 mild region

(3)水文分析计算 Hydrological analysis and computation

水文年 water year

水文计算 hydrological computation

水文统计 hydrological statistics

累积频率 cumulative frequency

重现期 recurrence period(interval)

水文频率曲线 hydrological frequency curve

设计频率 design frequency

水文频率分析 hydrological frequency analysis

暴雨 rainstorm

大暴雨 heavy rainstorm

特大暴雨 extraordinary rainstorm

季风雨 monsoon rain

降雨面积(雨区) precipitation area(rain area)

暴雨中心 rainstorm center

暴雨强度 rainstorm intensity

暴雨历时 rainstorm duration

点雨量 point precipitation

面雨量 areal precipitation

定点定面关系[暴雨] precipitation relationship between fixed point and fixed area

动点动面关系[暴雨] precipitation relationship between center point and variable area

暴雨时、面、深关系 depth-area-duration(DAD)relationship of storm

暴雨强度历时曲线 storm intensity-duration curve

等雨量线图 isohyet chart

曲线拟合 curve fitting

设计暴雨 design rainstorm

设计雨型 design rainfall pattern

暴雨模式 rainstorm model

典型暴雨 typical rainstorm

移置暴雨 transposition storm

暴雨移置法 storm transposition method

组合暴雨 synthetic storm

极值暴雨样本 sample of extreme storms

露点 dewpoint

地面露点 dewpoint at earth surface

代表性露点 representative dewpoint

可能最大露点 probable maximum dewpoint

产流 runoff yield

蓄满产流 runoff yield under saturated storage

超渗产流 runoff yield under excess infiltration

下渗容量曲线 infiltration capacity curve

初损 initial loss

后损 latter loss

雨水径流量 storm water runoff

设计净雨量 design net rainfall

基流 base flow

汇流 concentration of flow

河槽集流(河网集流) concentration of channel flow

时段单位线 unit hydrograph

瞬时单位线 instantaneous unit hydrograph

综合单位线 synthetic unit hydrograph

概化洪水过程线 simplified flood hydrograph洪水行进 flood routing

洪水波行进时间 flood wave travel times

不稳定流和动态行进法 unsteady flow and dynamic routing method

过程线上升段 hydrograph ascending limb

过程线下降段 hydrograph recession limb

入流过程线的涨水段 rising limb of inflow hydrograph

径流 runoff

地表径流 surface runoff

地下径流 groundwater runoff

融雪径流 snowmelt runoff

冰湖溃决洪水 glacial lake outburst flood

冰川湖 glaciers lake

径流深 runoff depth

径流模数 runoff modulus

径流系数 runoff coefficient

多年平均年径流量 mean annual runoff

设计年径流量 design annual runoff

设计年径流量年内分配 distribution of design annual runoff within a year

平均流量 mean flow

枯水流量 low flow

丰水流量 high flow

极端枯水期 extreme dry period

极端丰水期 extreme wet period

入库流量 reservoir inflow

出库流量 reservoir outflow

降雨径流关系 precipitation-runoff relation

流量历时曲线 flow-duration curve

洪水 flood

设计洪水 design flood

设计洪水标准 standard of design flood

可能最大洪水 probable maximum flood(PMF)

百年一遇洪水 one percent chance flood,a 100-year recurrence flood

入库设计洪水 inflow design flood(IDF)

入库洪峰流量 peak rate of inflow

分期设计洪水 staged design flood

施工设计洪水 design flood during construction

坝址洪水 flood at dam site

入库洪水 inflowing flood

溃坝洪水 dambreak flood

洪水过程线 flood hydrograph

大洪水 major flood

洪水频率 flood frequency

洪水记号 floodmark

洪峰 flood peak

洪峰流量历时 duration of flood flow

洪水量 flood volume

洪水超高 flood surcharge

波浪爬高 wave runup

风壅水 wind setup

风壅水面高度 wave setup

风成波 wind wave

洪水频率曲线 flood frequency curve

设站流域 gaged basin

未设站流域 ungaged basin

水文系列 hydrological series

系列代表性 series representativeness

系列插补 series interpolation

系列延长 series extension

历时曲线 duration curve

累积曲线 mass curve

差积曲线 residual mass curve

滑动平均曲线 moving average curve

(4)泥沙 Sediment

河流泥沙 river sediment

河流泥沙运动力学 dynamics of river sediment movement

冲刷 scour

淤积 sedimentation,sediment deposition

泥沙输移比 sediment delivery ratio

泥沙冲淤平衡 sediment erosion and deposition balance

含沙量 sediment concentration

输沙率 sediment discharge

平均输沙率 mean sediment discharge

固体径流,输沙量 sediment runoff

平均输沙量 mean sediment load

累计输沙量 cumulative sediment load

泥沙淤积 sediment accumulation

淤积量 siltation volume

水库泥沙淤积速率 rate of reservoir sedimentation

悬移质 suspended load

推移质 bed load

层移质 laminated load

悬移质输沙率 suspended load discharge

推移质输沙率 bed load discharge

推悬比 ratio of bed load discharge to suspended load discharge

床沙质(造床质) bed material load

冲泻质(非造床质) wash load

拦门沙 bar

产沙模量 modulus of sediment yield

泥沙性质 property of sediment

泥沙粒径 silt grain size

等容粒径 volume equivalent diameter

沉降粒径 settling diameter

中值粒径 median diameter

加权平均粒径 weighted mean diameter

泥沙颗粒分析 grain size analysis

泥沙形态系数 shape coefficient of sediment

均匀沙 uniform sediment

非均匀沙 non-uniform sediment

泥沙输移 sediment transport

泥沙起动 incipient motion of sediment

起动流速 incipient velocity

起动拖曳力,临界拖曳力 incipient tractive force

沉速 settling velocity

群体沉速 settling velocity of grains

悬浮指标 suspension index

悬浮功 suspension work

平衡挟沙能力 regime sediment charge

饱和输沙(平衡输沙) saturated sediment transport

非饱和输沙(不平衡输沙) non-saturated sediment transport

含沙量沿程变化 longitudinal variation of sediment concentration

河槽阻力 resistance of river channel

沙粒阻力 grain resistance

沙波阻力 form resistance of sand wave

床面形态 bed form

沙波 sand wave

沙纹 sand ripple

沙垄 dunes

静平床 stationary flat bed

动平床 moving flat bed

推移带 transporting belt

挟沙水流 sediment-laden flow

无沙水流 sediment free flow

泥沙流 silt flow

高含沙水流 flow with hyperconcentrated sediment

阵流 intermittent flow

浆河现象 clogging of river

不冲流速 non-scouring velocity

不淤流速 non-silting velocity

异重流 density current

水库异重流 density current in reservoir

入库泥沙 inflowing sediment

出库泥沙 outflowing sediment

水库淤积 reservoir silting,sediment deposition in reservoir

长期使用库容 long-term storage capacity of reservoir

水库年限 service life of reservoir

水库淤积纵剖面 longitudinal profile of deposit in reservoir

三角洲淤积 delta deposit

锥体淤积 cone deposit,tapered deposit

带状淤积 belt deposit

水库淤积上延(翘尾巴) upward extension of reservoir deposition

水库淤积极限 limit state of sediment deposition in reservoir

水库淤积平衡比降 equilibrium slope of sediment deposition in reservoir

沿程淤积 progressive deposition

溯源淤积 backward deposition

泥沙防治 sediment control

泥沙矿物成分 solid mineral composition

多年平均含沙量 average annual solid content

泥沙粒径 solid grain size

拦泥库 sediment detention reservoir

拦沙堰 sediment detention weir

滞洪排沙 flood retarding and sediment releasing

异重流排沙 sediment releasing by density current

蓄清排浑 impounding clear water and releasing muddy flow

水库泄空排沙 sediment releasing by emptying reservoir

汛期排沙限制水位 low limit level for sediment flushing in flood season

冲刷漏斗 scouring funnel

水库回水 reservoir backwater

回水变动区 fluctuating backwater zone

回水末端 upstream end of backwater

库尾 reservoir head

(5)水文预报 Hydrological forecast

水文站 hydrological station

水文基准站(参证站) bench mark station

水文基本站 basic data station

水文设计站 design station

水文代表站 representative station

水位计 hydrological guage

自计水位计 recording gauge

永久水位站 permanent gauge

水尺 staff gage

水文测站 gauging station

水文记录 hydrological records

水位流量关系 stage-discharge relationship

预见期 forecast lead time

短期水文预报 short-term hydrological forecast

中期水文预报 mid-term hydrological forecast

长期水文预报 long-term hydrological forecast

降雨径流的预报 rainfall runoff forecast

洪水预报 flood forecast

枯水预报 low flow forecast

泥沙预报 sediment forecast

水质预报 water quality forecast

冰情预报 ice regime forecast

封冻预报 freezing forecast

解冻预报 ice break forecast

水文模型 hydrological model

确定性水文模型 deterministic hydrological model

随机性水文模型(非确定性水文模型)stochastic hydrological model

人类活动水文效应 hydrological response due to human activities

水文遥测系统 hydrological telemetry system

水情自动测报系统 hydrological telemetry and forecasting system

水情遥测站 telemetry station

水情中继站 relay station

水情中心站 center station

水文测验 hydrometry

遥测 telemetry

驻测 stationary gauging

巡测 tour gauging

间测 intermittent gauging