- Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection
- Daniel Baharestani
- 1323字
- 2021-08-04 10:12:02
Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection demonstrates how Ninject facilitates the implementation of Dependency Injection to solve common design problems of real-life applications in a simple and easy-to-understand format. This book will teach you everything you need in order to implement Dependency Injection using Ninject in a real-life project. Not only does it teach the Ninject core framework features which are essential for implementing DI, but it also explores the power of Ninject's most useful extensions, and demonstrates how to apply them in a real-life application.
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Understanding Dependency Injection, introduces Dependency Injection concepts and describes the advantages of using this technique. We will also go through a simple example and implement the principles and patterns related to DI techniques. After understanding what a DI container is, we will discuss why Ninject is a suitable choice.
Chapter 2, Getting Started with Ninject, teaches the user how to add Ninject to a practical project and how to use the basic features of this framework. The chapter starts with an example demonstrating how to set up and use Ninject in a Hello World project. Then, we will talk about how Ninject resolves dependencies and how it manages object lifetime. We will also cover the code-based configuration using Ninject modules and XML-based configuration. The final section of this chapter describes how to configure a large application which includes hundreds of services using Ninject conventions. By the end of this chapter, the user will be able to set up and use the basic features of Ninject.
Chapter 3, Meeting Real-world Requirements, introduces more advanced features of Ninject which are necessary in order to implement DI in real-world situations. The chapter starts with an introduction to some patterns and antipatterns related to Ninject. We will then go through real examples and see how Ninject can solve such kind of problems. By the end of this chapter, the user is expected to know almost all of the significant features of Ninject.
Chapter 4, Ninject in Action, shows how to set up different types of applications using Ninject. We will implement a concrete scenario using a variety of application types, including but not limited to, WPF, ASP .NET MVC, and WCF, to see how to set up and use Ninject for injecting the dependencies. By the end of this chapter, the user should be able to set up and use Ninject for all kinds of described applications.
Chapter 5, Doing More with Extensions, will show how Interception is a solution for cross-cutting concerns, and how to use Mocking Kernel as a test asset. While the core library of Ninject is kept clean and simple, Ninject is a highly extensible DI container, and it is possible to extend its power by using extension plugins. We will also see how Ninject can be extended.
What you need for this book
The examples of the book are written in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012; however, the target framework is set to .NET 4.0 so that they can be easily built using MSBuild and .NET Framework 4.0, even if you do not have Visual Studio 2012.
In the ASP.NET MVC application, we used MVC 3, and Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 is used for SQL Data Layer.
You need an Internet connection to download required references and online packages, such as Ninject and its extensions. Having NuGet package manager on your system facilitates installing of referenced packages, but it is not required, as wherever we need to install such packages, the instruction for manually downloading and referencing the binaries is also provided.
We have also used NUnit for our Unit Tests, which is freely available for download via NuGet or NUnit website.
Who this book is for
This book is for all software developers and architects who are willing to create maintainable, loosely coupled, extensible, and testable applications. Because Ninject targets the .NET platform, this book is not suitable for software developers of other platforms. You should be comfortable with object oriented principals, and have a fair understanding of inheritance and abstraction. Being familiar with design patterns and general concept of unit testing is also a great help, but no knowledge of Dependency Injection is assumed. Although Ninject can be used in any .NET programming languages, the examples of this book are all in C#, so the reader is assumed to be familiar with this language.
In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.
Code words in text are shown as follows: "The following example shows how to use the ILogger
A block of code is set as follows:
[Inject] public ILogger Logger {get; set;} public void DoSomething() { Logger.Debug("Doing something..."); }
When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:
kernel.Bind(x => x
Any command-line input or output is written as follows:
2013-05-23 05:04:40 INFO LogSamples.Consumer - Doing something...
New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: "The first one is called when the hyperlink Create New is clicked using HTTP GET method ".
Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.
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