Updating Kali Linux

Kali must be patched regularly to ensure that the base operating system and applications are up-to-date and that security patches have been applied.

The Debian package management system

Debian's package management system relies on discrete bundled applications called packages. Packages can be installed or removed by the user to customize the environment, and support tasks such as penetration testing. They can also extend the functionality of Kali, supporting tasks, such as communications (Skype, instant messaging, and secure e-mails) or documentation (OpenOffice and Microsoft Office running under Wine).

Packages are stored in repositories and are downloaded to the system user to ensure the integrity of the package.

Packages and repositories

By default, Kali uses only the official Kali repositories. It is possible that an incomplete installation process may not add the repositories to the correct sources.list file, or that you may wish to extend the available repositories when new applications are added.

Updating the source.list file can be done from the command line (echo deb http://http.kali.org/kiali kali main contrib non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list), or by using a text editor.

The default package repositories that should be present in /etc/apt/sources.list are listed as follows; if not present, edit the sources.list file to include them:

 ## Kali deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main contrib non-free
 ## Kali-dev deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-dev main contrib non-free
 ## Kali Security updates deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates maincontrib non-free

Not every Kali tool is presently maintained in the official tool repositories. If you choose to update a tool manually, it is possible that you will overwrite existing packaged files and break dependencies. Therefore, some tools that have not been officially moved to Debian repositories, such as the aircrack-ng, dnsrecon, sqlmap, beef-xss, and Social Engineering Toolkit (se-toolkit), are maintained in the Bleeding Edge repository. This repository may also be added to sources.list using the following command line:

 ## Bleeding Edge repository deb http://repo.kali.org/kali kali kali-bleeding-edge main


Dpkg is Debian's package management system. This command-line application is used to install, remove, and query packages. In general, dpkg performs actions on individual packages.


dpkg is particularly useful in compiling a list of installed applications in Kali using the command dpkg -l > list.txt. If you want to know if a specific tool is installed, use dpkg -l | grep <tool name>.

The following screenshot shows an excerpt of the returned data when dpkg -l is invoked, providing a list of all applications installed on the Kali distribution; this is particularly useful in identifying applications that may only be accessible directly from the command line.


Using Advanced Packaging Tools

Advanced Packaging Tools (APT), extend the functionalities of dkpg by searching repositories and installing or upgrading packages along with all the required dependencies. The APT can also be used to upgrade a complete distribution.

The most common apt commands are as follows:

  • apt-get update: This is used to resynchronize the local package index files with their source as defined in /etc/apt/sources.list. The update command should always be used first, before performing an upgrade or dist-upgrade.
  • apt-get upgrade: This is used to install the newest versions of all packages installed on the system using /etc/apt/sources.list. Packages that are installed on Kali with new versions available are upgraded. The upgrade command will not change or delete packages that are not being upgraded, and it will not install packages that are not already present.
  • apt-get dist-upgrade: This upgrades all packages currently installed on the system and their dependencies. It also removes obsolete packages from the system.

    The apt-get command can also be used to show a full description of a package and identify its dependencies (apt-cache show <package name>) or remove a package (apt-get remove <package name>).


Run the apt-get update command and the upgrade command at start-up to ensure your session is using the most up-to-date tools. The easiest way to do this is to create an update.sh script that includes the following command line:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade –y && apt-get dist-upgrade –y

Some applications are not upgraded by the apt-get command. For example, the local copy of the exploit-db archive must be manually upgraded. Create a script named update.sh and add the following commands to it, to automate the update process:

 cd /usr/share/exploitdb
 wget http://www.exploit-db.com/archive.tar.bz2
 tar –xvjf archive.tar.bz2
 rm archive.tar.bz2