Setting up STS

STS comes with many off-the-shelf plugins, visual editors, and other features, which ease the development of Spring-powered enterprise applications. The look and feel of the IDE is very similar to Eclipse. Install STS by following these steps:

  1. JDK 1.6 and above is a prerequisite, download and install it from
  2. Set JAVA_HOME properties as explained in the documentation at
  3. Download STS from
  4. The downloaded file is in ZIP format. Extract it to the preferred folder and it's all set.
  5. Go to <installation-directory>\sts-bundle\sts-3.6.1.RELEASE. The STS.exe file is the executable for launching the IDE.
  6. This step is optional but can help in efficient functioning of the OS editor—change the memory allocation parameter. Locate STS.ini (in the same folder as STS.exe) and change the value of Xmx. For 2 GB, I've put it as Xmx2048m.