About the Reviewer

Sreenivas Makam is a senior engineering manager at Cisco Systems, Bangalore. He has a master's in electrical engineering and has around 18 years’ experience in the networking industry. He has worked in both startups and big, established companies. His interests include Containers, SDN, network automation, devops, and cloud technologies, and he likes to try out and follow open source projects in these areas. His blog can be found at https://sreeninet.wordpress.com/, he has presentations at http://www.slideshare.net/SreenivasMakam, and his hacky code is at https://github.com/smakam. Sreenivas is a Docker Captain, (https://www.docker.com/community/docker-captains) and his blog articles have been published in Docker weekly newsletters. He can be reached on Twitter at @srmakam.

He has written Mastering CoreOS, also reviewed Mastering Ansible, CoreOS Cookbook, all by Packt Publishing.

It was extra special that my second daughter, Masha, was born while reviewing this book. Thanks to my daughters, Sasha and Masha, for keeping me energetic.