- Python Programming with Raspberry Pi
- Sai Yamanoor Srihari Yamanoor
- 617字
- 2021-07-02 23:48:36
About the Authors
Sai Yamanoor is an embedded systems engineer working for a private startup school in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he builds devices that helps students achieve their full potential. He completed his graduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, and his undergraduate work in Mechatronics Engineering from Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India. His interests, deeply rooted in DIY and ppen software and hardware cultures, include developing gadgets and apps that improve Quality of Life, Internet of Things, crowdfunding, education, and new technologies. In his spare time, he plays with various devices and architectures such as the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo, Android devices and others. Sai blogs about his adventures with Mechatronics at the aptly named Mechatronics Craze blog at http://mechatronicscraze.wordpress.com/. You can find his project portfolios at http://saiyamanoor.com.
This book is Sai's second title and he has earlier published a book titled Raspberry Pi Mechatronics Projects.
I would like to thank my parents for encouraging me in all my endeavors and for making me what I am today. I am thankful to my brother who has helped me shape my career all these years. I would like to sincerely apologize to Balaji Raghavendra for the mixup with the first book and sincerely thank him for his reviews and advice on the first book. I am also thankful to the team at Packt, especially Abhishek who was patient and understanding under trying circumstances.
Srihari Yamanoor is a mechanical engineer, working on medical devices, sustainability, and robotics in the San Francisco Bay Area. He completed his graduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, and his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. He is severally certified in SolidWorks, Simulation, Sustainable Design, PDM as well as, in quality and reliability engineering and auditing. His interests have a wide range, from DIY, crowdfunding, AI, travelling, and photography to gardening and ecology. In his spare time, he is either traveling across California, dabbling in nature photography, or at home, tinkering with his garden and playing with his cats.
I have many people to thank for any and all success in my life, one of the culminations being this second book. I start with my parents for always making sure that I put my career and education first. My brother Sai Yamanoor, is the main reason I have my name on not one, but two books! I have to thank several professors and teachers, not the least of whom are Kenneth Waldron, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Dr. K.A. Jagadeesh, Cyril "Master", and the Late "Master" Williams. Of course, I'd be remiss, if I didn’t acknowledge my mentors, Russ Sampson, James Stubbs, Mukund Patel, and Anna Tamura. Then, I have my dearest friends, Patrick Nguyen, Anna Jao, Andrew Eib, Vishnu Prasad Ramachandran, and David Ma, who have put up with my quirks over the last several years, patiently offering advice and helping me weather several storms. I too would like to apologize to Balaji Raghavendra, who was left out of the acknowledgements from our last book, purely by accident, and nevertheless, inexcusably so. Without your help, we would not have been able to complete that book and start on this one. I second Sai in recognizing Abhishek Jadhav’s immeasurable patience and guidance throughout the course of the publication of this book. Last but not the least, there are my beloved felines, the glaring that keeps me going – Bob, Gi-Ve, Fish Bone and Saxi.
We would like to acknowledge that 100% of the proceeds in revenue and profits of the authors, is being turned over to worthy non-profits.