How it works...

DecisionTreeRegressor builds a decision tree regressor.  Decision trees are used to predict a response or class y, from several input variables; x1, x2,…,xn. If y is a continuous response, it's called a regression tree, if y is categorical, it's called a classification tree. The algorithm is based on the following procedure: We see the value of the input xi at each node of the tree, and based on the answer, we continue to the left or to the right branch. When we reach a leaf, we will find the prediction. In regression trees, we try to divide the data space into tiny parts, where we can equip a simple different model on each of them. The non-leaf part of the tree is just the way to find out which model we will use for predicting it.

A regression tree is formed by a series of nodes that split the root branch into two child branches. Such subdivision continues to cascade. Each new branch, then, can go in another node, or remain a leaf with the predicted value.