Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard in the case of errors

There are various sources for errors during the somewhat lengthy process of installing a Siebel database. Whenever errors are encountered, the Siebel Upgrade Wizard will cancel the current task and prompt an error message that has to be acknowledged by clicking OK. The Upgrade Wizard window closes upon this action.

It is highly recommended to run the Siebel Log Parser in order to gain insight into the last successful step and to derive and download the correct log file that contains the error message and details about the situation.

In general, the upgwiz.log file generated by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, which can be found in the output folder of the log directory, is a good starting point for troubleshooting.

The cause for the failure has to be corrected. For example, an error message indicating failure because extents are reached in the database should guide us to increase the extents or set the autoextend parameter to true for the respective tablespace.

Once the corrective action has taken place, we must restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard from the command line. We must not run the Configuration Wizard again, as this would overwrite the upgrade configuration file.

Instead, we open a command prompt, navigate to the Siebel Server's BIN directory, and issue the following command in order to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard manually.

siebupg /m master_install.ucf

The siebupg executable represents the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. The /m switch points to the .ucf file—situated in the current directory—which the executable should read. The master_install.ucf file has been generated by the Siebel Configuration Wizard.

The Siebel Upgrade Wizard starts and prompts whether we would like to continue an existing upgrade or cancel the operation. We select the option to continue. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard will resume from the last step that was not complete.


Use the information in this chapter to run the Siebel Database installation on your demonstration machine. Ensure that the installation was successful by carrying out the verification steps outlined above.