- 单词的力量(第2版)
- 朱子熹编著
- 285字
- 2020-06-24 18:40:34
015 adhere
To persist or endure, to hold to
解析:adhere来源于拉丁文ad-(使,向)和-here(粘上),其字面含义为使被粘上,即粘附的意思。adhere stubbornly to one's own opinion stick是固执己见的意思。
stick to属中性词,例如:I will by no means stick to my words.(无论如何我都会坚守诺言。)
cling to指坚持、依附于、抱定某种希望,常含有贬义,例如:Don’t cling to yakuzas because they are about to be defeated.(不要再攀附那些小瘪三了,他们就快完蛋了。)
adhere to为正式用语,指自动地或义务地忠于理想或事业等,常含褒义。例如:We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.(我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。)