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Chapter 1. Create a User Profile System and use the Null Coalesce Operator
The null coalesce operator
Separation of Concerns
Creating views
Create a profile input form
Admin system
Chapter 2. Build a Database Class and Simple Shopping Cart
Building the database abstraction class
Shopping Cart
Installing TCPDF
Admin for managing purchases
Chapter 3. Building a Social Newsletter Service
Authentication system
Chapter 4. Build a Simple Blog with Search Capability using Elasticsearch
Creating the CRUD and admin system
Chapter 5. Creating a RESTful Web Service
RESTful basics
First steps with the Slim framework
Implementing the REST service
Streams and large files
Chapter 6. Building a Chat Application
The WebSocket protocol
First steps with Ratchet
Implementing the chat application
Deployment options
Bridging Ratchet and PSR-7 applications
Accessing your application via the web server
Adding authentication
Chapter 7. Building an Asynchronous Microservice Architecture
The target architecture
ZeroMQ patterns
Bootstrapping the project
Building the inventory service
Making the inventory service multithreaded
Building the checkout service
Building the mailing service
Building the shipping service
Bridging ZeroMQ and HTTP
Chapter 8. Building a Parser and Interpreter for a Custom Language
How interpreters and compilers work
Languages and grammars
Your first PEG parser
Evaluating expressions
Building an Abstract Syntax Tree
Building a better interface
Evaluating variables
Adding logical expressions
Working with structured data
Working with objects
Optimizing the interpreter by adding a compiler
Verifying performance improvements
Chapter 9. Reactive Extensions in PHP
An introduction to observables
Introduction to event loop and ReactiveX
Parsing logs through a Reactive scheduler
Event queues with ReactiveX
更新时间:2021-07-08 11:14:25